Edward II

Small Beer Theatre Company

Edward II has been newly crowned, and his first order of business is to repeal his lover, Piers Gaveston. Little does he know, his love and loyalty could bring an end to his marriage, his kingdom and his life. Reframed in a domestic setting, Small Beer Theatre Co. presents a thrilling new version of Marlowe's classic, bringing the deceit, lust and cruelty of the Middle Ages to a new era.

Event Details

Genre: Theatre

Duration: 50 mins

Price: £12

Social Media

Instagram smallbeertheatreco


Trigger warnings include violence and murder

Suitable for ages: 14 and over

World premiere

See venue page for accessibility information.

4 August 2024 7.30pm

The Courtyard Theatre

Full: £12

Conc: £10

5 August 2024 7.30pm

The Courtyard Theatre

Full: £12

Conc: £10

6 August 2024 7.30pm

The Courtyard Theatre

Full: £12

Conc: £10


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