‘This Girl’ tells the story of Cynthia Powell, a shy student from Hoylake, who fell in love with a young musician called John when they met at Liverpool Art College in 1957. She became Cynthia Lennon, his wife and mother of their son, Julian.
Cynthia's story has remained largely untold over the years, but now writer Mike Howl has carried out the most extensive research ever about her life, by carrying out face to face interviews with her closest friends, including surviving members of that very same classroom at The Liverpool Art College where Cynthia and John first met as teenage students in 1957.
Much of the play is told through the eyes and the ears of the people who knew her best, revealing previously unknown and until now, unpublished material.
'This Girl' is one of the greatest love stories of all time and this musical play charts the emotional journey of Cynthia‘s life before, during, and after Beatlemania. It features original songs and music arrangements by BBC Radio Merseyside’s Frankie Connor, Billy Kinsley of The Merseybeats, and Alan Crowley.
Cynthia's story has remained largely untold over the years, but now writer Mike Howl has carried out the most extensive research ever about her life, by carrying out face to face interviews with her closest friends, including surviving members of that very same classroom at The Liverpool Art College where Cynthia and John first met as teenage students in 1957.
Much of the play is told through the eyes and the ears of the people who knew her best, revealing previously unknown and until now, unpublished material.
'This Girl' is one of the greatest love stories of all time and this musical play charts the emotional journey of Cynthia‘s life before, during, and after Beatlemania. It features original songs and music arrangements by BBC Radio Merseyside’s Frankie Connor, Billy Kinsley of The Merseybeats, and Alan Crowley.