'The Lodger' follows a working-class family struggling amidst the cost-of-living crisis. After David the main earner is made redundant, the family resort to taking on a Lodger. When the Lodger arrives, they are not the person the family expected. Relationships are tested and chaos soon unfolds. Can this all too ordinary family pull through under extraordinary circumstances?
Written by Lauren Lewis this naturalistic comedy contains themes of love and lust, class and cultural division, and escapism. It is funny, raw, and heartfelt, telling a relatable story of ordinary people feeling their way through a world in which they feel lost, battling with loneliness and isolation whilst seeking happiness and ultimately - connection.
It is painstakingly relevant in this current climate, and a guaranteed emotional rollercoaster, full of twists, turns and jaw dropping moments!
WRITTEN BY: Lauren Lewis
DIRECTED BY: Sam Dafydd-Williams and Lauren Lewis
OTHER CREATIVES: Alfie Jameson, Jacopo Mascitelli, Lauren Lewis, Lucy Hilton, Max Potter, Niamh Deasy
Graphic Design: Molly Smith
Photographer: Niamh O'Donnell
Written by Lauren Lewis this naturalistic comedy contains themes of love and lust, class and cultural division, and escapism. It is funny, raw, and heartfelt, telling a relatable story of ordinary people feeling their way through a world in which they feel lost, battling with loneliness and isolation whilst seeking happiness and ultimately - connection.
It is painstakingly relevant in this current climate, and a guaranteed emotional rollercoaster, full of twists, turns and jaw dropping moments!
WRITTEN BY: Lauren Lewis
DIRECTED BY: Sam Dafydd-Williams and Lauren Lewis
OTHER CREATIVES: Alfie Jameson, Jacopo Mascitelli, Lauren Lewis, Lucy Hilton, Max Potter, Niamh Deasy
Graphic Design: Molly Smith
Photographer: Niamh O'Donnell