This compelling new show - written and performed by Mark Stratford - tells the story of the great Victorian actor-manager, Macready - the man to whom Charles Dickens dedicated 'Nicholas Nickleby.'
A universal tale of love, devotion, ambition and sacrifice, it's one of the most remarkable ever to come out of the theatre.
With passion, humour, emotion, and an array of characters, Stratford takes us on a journey through the fascinating world of Victorian theatre and the extraordinary, yet conflicted life of Macready; from his first tentative steps on stage in a tatty country theatre to his final ever performance at the mighty Drury Lane!
"A fascinating and insightful production" ★★★★ LondonTheatre1
"Stratford’s remarkable ability to tell Macready's story and create characters brings it all to life” ★★★★ Broadway Baby
"An entertaining portrait...a timeless story of struggle, perseverance and sacrifice in making a living from one’s art" British Theatre Guide
"A fascinating show which brings Macready to life" ★★★★ ReviewsGate
A universal tale of love, devotion, ambition and sacrifice, it's one of the most remarkable ever to come out of the theatre.
With passion, humour, emotion, and an array of characters, Stratford takes us on a journey through the fascinating world of Victorian theatre and the extraordinary, yet conflicted life of Macready; from his first tentative steps on stage in a tatty country theatre to his final ever performance at the mighty Drury Lane!
"A fascinating and insightful production" ★★★★ LondonTheatre1
"Stratford’s remarkable ability to tell Macready's story and create characters brings it all to life” ★★★★ Broadway Baby
"An entertaining portrait...a timeless story of struggle, perseverance and sacrifice in making a living from one’s art" British Theatre Guide
"A fascinating show which brings Macready to life" ★★★★ ReviewsGate