
What Are The Odds Theatre

Prepare to be transported to the intriguing world of ‘Eutopia’, a captivating physical theatre play set in a dystopian realm of the square. Echo, the main character, stumbles upon a new reality, embarking on a journey to uncover a forgotten culture. However, obstacles threaten to halt their exploration.
 We aim to evoke vivid imagery and construct an abstract portrayal of the human condition.
Combining the use of light, sound, and imagery, the performance promises to engage viewers in a multifaceted exploration of The Square and its complexities.
Immerse yourself in the wonder of ‘Eutopia’. Step beyond The Square.
Stay updated with behind-the-scenes glimpses and updates by following us on social media for exclusive content at @watotheatre .

Event Details

Genre: Physical Theatre

Duration: 45 mins

Price: £10

Social Media


Instagram watotheatre


themes of death, loud noises .

Suitable for ages: 16 and over

See venue page for accessibility information.

22 August 2024 5.00pm

Etcetera Theatre

Full: £10

Conc: £8


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