We Can Be Heroes

Passing Stranger Theatre Company

We Can Be Heroes is the third production by the Passing Stranger Theatre Company, a newly written play about what it means to be a superhero.

The main character, Peanut, tells a story of their brother - a superhero scared of the rain, thunder and... everything else. So what makes a hero, really? Bravery or fear? What we run towards or what we run away from? The events that build us up or break us down? Through memories and stories of people who met their brother, Peanut unravels a painting of his life from childhood to adolescence, a point he never made it past. Maybe not all heroes are fit for the job... or maybe it is all a matter of perspective?

Written and performed by Anna Krauze. Directed by Coral Tarran.

Event Details

Genre: Theatre

Duration: 60 mins

Price: £14

Social Media

Facebook: passingstrangertheatre

Twitter: PassStrangerTC

Instagram passingstrangertheatre

Web: annakrauze.co.uk/passingstrangertheatre


Trigger warning: mentions of mental health issues (depression), suicide and assault.

Suitable for ages: 16 and over

World premiere

See venue page for accessibility information.

12 August 2024 8.30pm

Lion & Unicorn Theatre

Full: £14

Conc: £12

13 August 2024 8.30pm

Lion & Unicorn Theatre

Full: £14

Conc: £12

14 August 2024 8.30pm

Lion & Unicorn Theatre

Full: £14

Conc: £12


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