
Ariana Xeno

Three stomachs.

One’s beaten. One’s hollowing. One’s filling with blood.
It’ll heal. Just monitor it. Sounds like stress.

Stomach follows three parallel lives, winding in and out of doctor’s appointments, raw instinct and hope. This satirical, gut puncher is a mapping through the mind and body of female existence.
Instinct and butterflies. Enzymes and acids. Gut tangled, and untangled.

Annabel Gray
Maya Loveday
Vigs Otite

Written & Directed by Ariana Xeno
Produced by Afriya Nylander
Music & Sound Design by Bluegirl
Stage Managed by Janelle Benjamin

Event Details

Genre: Theatre

Duration: 75 mins

Price: £12.50

Social Media

Instagram stomach_theplay


Reference to violence, eating disorders, sexual assault.

Suitable for ages: 16 and over

World premiere

See venue page for accessibility information.

11 August 2024 7.00pm

Camden People's Theatre

Full: £12.50

Conc: £10.50

12 August 2024 7.00pm

Camden People's Theatre

Full: £12.50

Conc: £10.50

13 August 2024 7.00pm

Camden People's Theatre

Full: £12.50

Conc: £10.50


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