Non-existent Shadow

Lost Theatre

I guess that my memories, dreams, and hallucinations have turned into shadows. It's behind me, and it seems not there. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I need it, but more often I want it to die completely. It always asks me what I am persistent in. It irritates me! Maybe I should ask it, shouldn't I? Its answer is: 'It's me, putting the cart before the horse, dreaming to go from night to day. The sun embarrasses me. What is it talking about? I don't understand it, not at all.

Interspersed with shadow and reality, interspersed with time and space. When everything is out of order, let's explore "Are You You?" Will it be the same if it starts over? Reconcile with reconciliation and take dreams as horses.

Director: Qi Chen, Jiamin Zhang
Producer: Yu-Ting Hung
Actor: Qi Chen, Yu-Ting Hung

我猜想,我的記憶、夢、幻覺幻化成了影子。它在我身後,又好似不在。我有時喜歡它,有時需要它,但更多的時候我希望它徹底的死掉。它總是問我在執著什麼呢?真令我煩躁!也許我該問問它,不是嗎?它的回答是: '"是我,本末倒置,妄想從夜晚走到白天。那太陽令人好尷尬。"它在說什麼呢? 我不懂它,完全不懂。


導演: 陳齊、張佳敏
製作: 洪鈺婷

Event Details

Genre: Play

Duration: 40 mins

Price: £10

Social Media

Mentions of violence, death and loud noises.

Suitable for ages: 16 and over

See venue page for accessibility information.

10 August 2024 2.00pm

Rosemary Branch Theatre

Full: £10

11 August 2024 2.00pm

Rosemary Branch Theatre

Full: £10


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