Fur Coat No Knickers Theatre

Unexciting? Uninspired? Unadventurous? Did you even watch Fifty Shades of Grey? Vanilla is a testimony of young womanhood as we try to navigate our way in the land of the sexually free. We walk the fine line between pleasure and pain, navigate the fear of being boring, and ask: “What makes a good sexual experience?”. Through spoken word, song, and verbatim we explore the performance of sex, from our influence of porn to the blurred lines of consent. Is being Vanilla really an insult, or are we just afraid of the ordinary?
Event Details
Genre: Theatre
Duration: 60 mins
Price: £10
Social Media
Facebook: FurCoatNoKnickersTheatre
Instagram furcoatnoknickerstheatre
YouTube @furcoatnoknickerstheatre3183
This show contains scenes of a sexual nature, strong language, and references to sexual violence.
Suitable for ages: 16 and over
See venue page for accessibility information.